
Best Pathology Lab - Scientific Pathology




Allergies can have many symptoms you wouldn’t expect; such as stomach pain, diarrhea or cough. Recognizing typical signs of the most common allergies is a prerequisite to get a correct diagnosis, appropriate help and optimal symptom relief.

Like many people, you may find it difficult to tell whether you or your child’s symptoms are caused by allergies or not. You also need to remember that a runny or stuffy nose and other symptoms may not be caused by an allergy at all. A number of other factors, such as irritants, infections, injuries, or deformities of the nose, can cause symptoms similar to allergies. To treat the symptoms, you need to understand the real cause behind them, since treatment differs for different conditions. That’s why it’s important to get tested for allergies to help your doctor make an appropriate allergy diagnosis

  • Asthma
  • Rhinitis
  • Eczema
  • Digestive Problem
  • Rash/Hives
  • Oral Symptoms


When allergic reactions affect the eyes, nose, and throat, the symptoms are often categorized as rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is an extremely common illness that is often mistaken for an ordinary cold. However, rhinitis may develop into more severe problems such as asthma. It is common to over diagnose allergic rhinitis. Studies have shown that approximately 65% of patients diagnosed as having allergic rhinitis and prescribed antihistamines were actually not allergic. That is why recurring or drawn-out symptoms should always be investigated.

Typical signs

  • blocked-up nose
  • breathing through the mouth (only)
  • itchy nose
  • itchy throat/mouth/lips
  • itchy, red eyes and swollen eyelids
  • runny nose
  • sneezing


Typical signs

When allergic reactions affect the eyes, nose, and throat, the symptoms are often categorized as rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is an extremely common illness that is often mistaken for an ordinary cold. However, rhinitis may develop into more severe problems such as asthma. It is common to over diagnose allergic rhinitis. Studies have shown that approximately 65% of patients diagnosed as having allergic rhinitis and prescribed antihistamines were actually not allergic. That is why recurring or drawn-out symptoms should always be investigated.

  • blocked-up nose
  • breathing through the mouth (only)
  • itchy nose
  • itchy throat/mouth/lips
  • itchy, red eyes and swollen eyelids
  • runny nose
  • sneezing
  • swelling of the mouth/airways
  • weeping eyes


Eczema is a condition that affects both children and adults. Most commonly it appears during the early years of childhood. Young children often have eczema on their cheeks, torso and/or joints of the arms and legs. There is no available cure for eczema, but using a lotion is important. It is also important to investigate the cause of your eczema. With a clear diagnosis and good advice from your doctor, you will be better equipped to encounter and reverse some of the more unpleasant effects.

Typical signs

  • dry skin
  • itchy skin
  • nettle rash/hives (urticaria)
  • skin rash

Digestive Problem

Food allergy can cause digestive problems such as stomach pain, diarrhoea and vomiting in adults as well as in children, even from the first year of life. Food allergy is a growing, serious public health problem that affects both adults and children. Today, a wide range of foods has been reported to cause food allergies, and over the last 10-20 years there has been a true rise in the prevalence of food allergies.

Typical signs

  • diarrhoea
  • stomach pain
  • nausea and vomiting
  • weight loss

Rash or hives

Rash or hives (urticaria) are localized, pale, itchy, pink wheals (swellings) that can burn or sting. They may occur singularly or in groups on any part of the skin. Most episodes of hives disappear quickly in the space of a few days to a few weeks.

Typical signs

  • Rash/hives (urticaria)
  • skin rash

Oral Symptoms

Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) is common among people with pollen allergy. It is normally a temporary and relatively mild condition characterized by swelling, redness and itching of the mouth area. Occasionally, also the eyes are affected.

Typical signs

  • itchy throat
  • itchy mouth
  • itchy lips
Test to know

How do you know whether you or child’s symptoms are caused by allergy or not - and if so, to what exactly? Maybe you or your child has already received a diagnosis, but has it been validated by a test?

Blood Testing

An allergy blood test can help your doctor determine if you or your child has allergies - and to what exactly. A blood test is quick and simple and is available to your doctor. A blood test can test for hundreds of allergens, such as weeds, trees, pollen, mold, food, and animal dander. Adults and children of any age can take a blood test, and it can be performed irrespective of skin condition, medication, symptom, disease activity and pregnancy.

Create your personalized Allergy Guide
INHALANT & FOOD MIX PANEL > 2 Yrs ( RS. 5000/- )

Asthama/Rhintis/Food Allergy Panel

Method: Immunoblot, Sample Type: Serum

 Allergen Scientific Name

  Allergen Indian Name

 Timoti Grass, Culivated Grass

 तिमोति घास , कुलिवेटेड घास 


 भोजपत्रा, सनोवर



 Der. Pteronyssinus 

 हाउस डस्ट माईट

 Der. Farinae 

 हाउस डस्ट माईट

 Cat Dander

 बिल्ली का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Dog Dander

 कुत्ते का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Horse Dander

 घोड़े का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Cladosporium her

 फंगी फफूंद

 Aspergillus fumigatus 

 फंगी फफूंद

 Alternaria alt

 फंगी फफूंद

 Egg white 

 अंडे का सफ़ेद का भाग

 Egg yolk 

 अंडे का पीला का भाग




 मछली, स्नेहमीन


 दूध का मट्ठा प्रोटिन


 दूध का मट्ठा प्रोटिन 


 दूध का फोस्फोप्रोटीन

 Bovine serum albumin

 बोवाइन  सीरम  एल्ब्यूमिन

 Wheat flour 

 गेंहूँ का आटा







 Hazal Nut 









Asthama/Rhintis Mini Allergy Panel

Method: Immunoblot, Sample Type: Serum

 Allergen Scientific Name

 Allergen Indian Name

 Timoti Grass

 तिमोति घास

 Clutivated Rye






 False Ragweed


 Carnation Flower

 कार्नेशन फूल


 सूरजमुखी फूल

 Der. Ptero.,Der. Farinae

 हाउस डस्ट माईट

 Der. Farinae

 हाउस डस्ट माईट



 Cat Dander

 बिल्ली का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Dog Dander

 कुत्ते का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Pigeon feathers

 कबूतर  के  पंख 

 Chicken feathers

 मुर्गे  के  पंख 

 Aspergillus fumigatus 

 फंगी फफूंद

 Tricophyton mentagrophytes

 ट्राइकोफाइटन मेंटाग्रोफाइट्स

 Cotton yarn

 सूती धागा,कपास 

 Straw Dust

 सूखी धूल, भूसा



 Sheep's wool

 भेड की ऊन 


Asthama/Rhintis Comprehensive Allergy Panel

Method: Immunoblot, Sample Type: Serum

 Allergen Scientific Name

 Allergen Indian Name

 Barmuda Grass

 बरमूडा घास

 Timoti Grass

 तिमोति घास

 Johnson Grass

 जॉनसन घास

 Clutivated Rye


 Clutivated Corn





 मेसकाइट का पेड़




 गूस फ़ूड


 छोटा धतूरा

 Rough Pigweed

 जंगली पालक

 Carnation Flower

 कार्नेशन फूल


 सूरजमुखी फूल

 Der. Ptero.,Der. Farinae

 हाउस डस्ट माईट और धूल

 Der. Farinae

 हाउस डस्ट माईट और धूल



 Penicilium notatum

 पेनिसिलयम एक साधारण फफूँद

 Cladosporium herbarum


 Aspergillus fumigatus

 फंगी फफूंद

 Mucor Racemosus

 वीलियम मोल्ड

 Candida Albicans

 नम त्‍वचा,मुख,आंत्रीय पथ और फेफड़ों में पाया जाने वाला कवक

 Alternaria Alternata

 अल्टरनेरिया एस्कोमाइसेट कवक का एक जीनस 

 Rhizopus Nigricans

 फल और सब्जियां,चमड़ा,रोटी मूंगफली,पर पाया जाने वाला कवक

 Curvularia Lunata

 हाइफ़ोमाइसीस (मोल्ड) कवक

 Trichophyton m.

 ट्राइकोफाइटॉन मेन्टैग्रोफाइटस् कवक 

 Cat Dander

 बिल्ली का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Dog Dander

 कुत्ते का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Pigeon feathers

 कबूतर  के  पंख 

 Chicken feathers

 मुर्गे  के  पंख 

 Cotton (treated)

 सूती धागा,कपास, रुई

 Straw Dust

 सड़क की सूखी धूल,भूसा



 Sheep's wool

 भेड की ऊन

FOOD ALLERGY PANEl ( Rs. 7000/- )

Food Allergy Panel

Method: Immunoblot, Sample Type: Serum

 Allergen Scientific Name

 Allergen Indian Name

 Egg white 

 अंडे का सफ़ेद का भाग

 Egg yolk

 अंडे का पीला का भाग



 Milk powder

 दूध पाउडर



 Wheat flour

 गेहूं का आटा


 आटे का लस

 Oat flour

 जई का आटा



























 Chick pea

 काबुली चना

 White mushroom

 सफेद मशरूम





 Pigeon pea

 कबूतर मटर




 भैंस का मांस

 Chicken meat

 मुर्गे का मांस

 Mutton meat

 बकरे का मांस

 Mustard seed

 सरसो के बीज







 Red Chilli, Green Chilli

 लाल मिर्च और हरी मिर्च


 काड मच्छली



 Shrimp / Prawn

 शृंप झींगा


 रोहू मछली


Asthama/Rhintis/Wheeze/Food Allergy Panel

Method: Immunoblot, Sample Type: Serum

 Allergen Scientific Name

 Allergen Indian Name

 Barmuda Grass

 बरमूडा घास

 Timoti Grass

 तिमोति घास

 Johnson Grass

 जॉनसन घास

 Clutivated Rye


 Clutivated Corn





 मेसकाइट का पेड़




 गूस फ़ूड


 छोटा धतूरा

 Rough Pigweed

 जंगली पालक

 Carnation Flower

 कार्नेशन फूल


 सूरजमुखी फूल

 Der. Ptero.,Der. Farinae

 हाउस डस्ट माईट और धूल

 Der. Farinae

 हाउस डस्ट माईट और धूल



 Penicilium notatum

 पेनिसिलयम एक साधारण फफूँद

 Cladosporium herbarum


 Aspergillus fumigatus

 फंगी फफूंद

 Mucor Racemosus

 वीलियम मोल्ड

 Candida Albicans

 नम त्‍वचा,मुख,आंत्रीय पथ और फेफड़ों में पाया जाने वाला कवक

 Alternaria Alternata

 अल्टरनेरिया एस्कोमाइसेट कवक का एक जीनस 

 Rhizopus Nigricans

 फल और सब्जियां,चमड़ा,रोटी मूंगफली,पर पाया जाने वाला कवक

 Curvularia Lunata

 हाइफ़ोमाइसीस (मोल्ड) कवक

 Trichophyton m.

 ट्राइकोफाइटॉन मेन्टैग्रोफाइटस् कवक 

 Cat Dander

 बिल्ली का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Dog Dander

 कुत्ते का डेन्डर / एपिथेलिआ / खाल / बाल

 Pigeon feathers

 कबूतर  के  पंख 

 Chicken feathers

 मुर्गे  के  पंख 

 Cotton (treated)

 सूती धागा,कपास, रुई

 Straw Dust

 सड़क की सूखी धूल,भूसा



 Sheep's wool

 भेड की ऊन




 Allergen Scientific Name

 Allergen Indian Name

 Egg white 

 अंडे का सफ़ेद का भाग

 Egg yolk

 अंडे का पीला का भाग



 Milk powder

 दूध पाउडर



 Wheat flour

 गेहूं का आटा


 आटे का लस

 Oat flour

 जई का आटा



























 Chick pea

 काबुली चना

 White mushroom

 सफेद मशरूम





 Pigeon pea

 कबूतर मटर

 Mung bean

 मूंग की दाल




 भैंस का मांस

 Chicken meat

 मुर्गे का मांस 

 Mutton meat 

 बकरे का मांस

 Mustard seed

 सरसो के बीज







 Red Chilli, Green Chilli

 लाल मिर्च और हरी मिर्च


 काड मच्छली



 Shrimp / Prawn

 शृंप झींगा


 रोहू मछली